Baby May’s struggle with a congenital heart problem ended early this morning when her Savior called upon her. She died at 7 months old.
As the youngest of seven (7) children and the only girl in the family, Baby May came under SVSG’s care since she was 5 months. Her parents sought SVSG’s assistance in December 2015 to advocate for her case with the National Health Service for overseas medical treatment under the government’s medical scheme.
Since then, Baby May was cared for through SVSG’s partnership with the Little Angels Foundation of New Zealand, a Foundation that caters for the well-being of vulnerable children. The assistance continued while she was hospitalized until three (3) days ago when she was discharged from the hospital due to Baby May’s deteriorating condition.
Today, the Director of the Little Angels Foundation Mr. Ta’a Lo Tam was with the grieving parents, and offering the Foundation’s assistance for Baby May’s burial. A coffin was prepared for the little angel and monetary donation was presented to the parents to assist with the funeral expenses.
“Thank you so much Ta’a & Ima for remaining true to the Little Angels Foundation vision that no matter the circumstances, our children are angels to the Foundation. You have assisted with the well-being of Baby May while fighting the illness right until our Angel has been called home,” says SVSG’s President Siliniu Lina Chang.
To the grieving parents, we extend our heartfelt condolences and sympathy. You have lost a child but Heaven has gained an Angel. Rest in love Angel May!