E faafoi pea le viiga i le Atua ma faafetaia Lona alofa Laveai i le tausia o oe le atalii peleina Lorenzo Noa Siaosi ua aulia manuia le atoaga o le lima tausaga o lou olaga. Ia alofagia lou tuputupu a‘e, tausia pea oe i Ona aao alofa ma ia manuia foi lou uluai tausaga i le a‘e atu i aoga.
“A great big wish wings your way on this your fifth birthday, have a ball, eat lots of cake and ice cream too, doing all the fun things that little boys do, enjoy your family and friends, make it last for special days seem to come and go so fast. The same energy that God invested in you at birth is present once again”.
Alofaaga mai ia Salma & Nick Scott, aunty Ashalyna Noa, Yannich & Tonia Noa Siaosi (Kalaiesetete), Moana Siaosi Noa, aunties & uncles (Aukilani) faapea Vaifale & Aute Fasi.