O tasi lenei o mataupu ua toatele tagata o le atunuu ua tuufesili ai poo le ā tonu le mafuaaga na toe faasalalau ai le avanoa o le faiaoga mo le Manu Samoa 15 e pei ona sa umia ai e Fuimaono Titimaea Tafua, ao lea ua saofaga le Manu Samoa i le taamiosaga o le ipu a le lalolagi i le tausaga fou i Iapani.
E tusa ai ma faamaumauga na liki mai i le tatou nusipepa mai i le Fono Faatonu o le Lakapi a le Lalolagi, le World Rugby ma le Iuni Lakapi a Samoa, na maua ai le maliliega (agreement) a le Komiti Faafoe o le Iuni Lakapi a Samoa ma le World Rugby i le aso 27 o Ianuari 2018, ina ia aveese ai Muliagatele Brian Lima ma Soifua John Schuster mai i le pulega a le Manu Samoa 15, ae faasee atu e faiaoga mo le au a le Samoa A. E leai ma se vaega o lenei agreement o tusia ai le tatau ona toe faasalalau ai le avanoa mo le faiaoga o le Manu Samoa 15.
O se tasi o vaega o loo ta’ua i le maliliega lenei, o le toe aumai ai lea e le World Rugby o le tupe sa faaagaga mo le totogi o le alii faiaoga e $70,000.00 pauni, peitai e le toe auamaia lea seleni e totogi ai le faiaoga ona o lea ua totogi e le Iuni Lakapi a Samoa Fuimaono Titimaea Tafua, ae o le a aumai le tupe lenei e faatupe ai isi poloketi a le HP faatasi ai ma nisi o polokalame e atina’e ai le lakapi a Samoa. Talu mai le maliliega lenei a le World Rugby ma le Komiti faafoe a le Iuni Lakapi, e leai ma se vevesi poo se gase foi na iai i le tofiga lenei o le faiaoga mo le Manu Samoa 15.
Peitai o le aso 23 o Aokuso o le tausaga lenei 2018, na taunuu mai ai se tusi mai i le World Rugby ma ta’ua ai, ua mae’a ona toe iloilo pe faia se review o le Afioga ia Fuimaono Titimaea Tafua, ma malilie faatasi ai le World Rugby ma le SRU Board e saili se isi e sui tulaga ia Fuimaono Titimaea Tafua i le tofiga faiaoga mo le Manu Samoa 15.
O le aso 21 o Aokuso na faia ai le fono masani a le Komiti faafoe, ma e leai se mataupu e faatatau i le toe faasalalauina ai o le avanoa o Fuimaono, ae o le aso 25 o Aokuso na toe fono faatopetope ai le Komiti faafoe a le Iuni Lakapi ma talanoaina ai loa le tusi lenei a le World Rugby, o se fonotaga na matua faateia ai nisi o sui o le Komiti faafoe ona e leai ma se fonotaga muamua a le Komiti faafoe na talanoaina ai le toe faasalalau ai o le avanoa o Fuimaono, ao lea ua tusi mai le World Rugby i le aso 23 o Aokuso ma ta’ua ai le malilie faatasi o le SRU Board e toe faasalalau ai le avanoa.
E ui na finau malosi nisi o sui o le komiti faafoe i lea mataupu ae na toe autasi lava e faasalalau le avanoa o Fuimaono, e oo mai lava i le taimi lenei o loo tuufesili pea nisi o sui o le Komiti faafoe, poo ai na tusi i le World Rugby e fautuaina ai le toe faasalalau o le avanoa o Fuimaono, lea na mafua ai ona tusi mai le World Rugby i le aso 23 o Aokuso 2018.
Na ta’ua e Fuimaono Titimaea Tafua, e leai ma se review na faia mo ia e sui o le World Rugby ma le Iuni Lakapi e pei ona ta’ua i le tusi a le World Rugby. O loo tuua’ia malosi e Fuimaono le Komiti faafoe i le faaiuga ua mafua ai ona toe faasalalau lona avanoa.
E leai foi se tusi aloaia na tuuina atu e le Iuni Lakapi e faailoa atu ai mafuaaga ua toe faasalalau ai lona avanoa. I le tusi foi a le World Rugby na matua manino ai faaupuga nei, “ We agree with the SRU Board that a suitable replacement is sought urgently for the Head Coach Position.” O lona uiga a fua i lea faaupuga, sa lē tatau lava ona toe tusi talosaga pe toe talia foi se tusi talosaga mo Fuimaono Titimaea Tafua, ae na ta’ua e Fuimaono, na fautua atu lava sui o le Komiti faafoe ia te ia, ina ia toe fai faalelei lana tusi talosaga.
O se faatalanoaga na faia ma le Ofisa Sili o le Iuni Lakapi a Samoa, Faleomavaega Vincent Fepulai i le aso 28 o Aokuso ina ua mae’a ai le fonotaga a le SRU Board i le aso 25 o Aokuso, na saunoa manino mai ai Faleomavaega, o se tasi o vaega ua mafua ai ona toe faasalalau lenei avanoa, ina ia mafai ona toe maua ai le vaega tupe e totogi ai le faiaoga, peitai o lea lava na manino i le agreement i le aso 27 o Ianuari 2018, sa malilie lava le World Rugby e toe aumai lea vaega tupe.
Saunoa foi Faleomavaega, i le toe faasalalau ai o le avanoa, e toe agavaa lava Fuimaono e toe tusi talosaga, ma a sau lava le faaiuga o le panel e manumalo Fuimaono, e toe filifilia lava ma faiaoga. E pei ona silafia i le taimi na faagasolo ai interviews o le avanoa faiaoga a le Manu Samoa 15, o Fuimaono Titimaea Tafua ma le alii papalagi mai Aukilani Niu Sila ia Steve Jackson na faia mai ai le faaiuga mulimuli o se faiaoga.
O le mae’a ai ona faalauiloa mai e le Iuni Lakapi a Samoa o le filifiliga o le faiaoga fou e pei ona maua ai e Steve Jackson, na amata ai loa ona faaali finagalo le fiafia o nisi o sui o le komiti faafoe e pei ona iai imeli na liki mai i le tatou nusipepa.
Silasila ane i le imeli a le Peresitene Fou o le Iuni Lakapi a Samoa, le tofa ia Namulauulu Sami Leota na tuuina atu ia Faleomavaega Vincent Fepuleai, CEO o le Iuni Lakapi a Samoa.
20 Sep 2018 at 9:50 PM
Namulauulu Sami Leota wrote:
Talofa Faleomavaega,
I was not at the meeting of the 12th September, but the normal process is that the panel’s recommendation should be tabled at the Board for its endorsement and blessings.
I read your comments in the media yesterday (19th Sept) and you stated that SRU is following the due process and I quote
“we have yet to submit the recommendation to the SRU Board for their review and final decision”
However, today in the email below you said that the decision was made by the Board on the 12th September.
How can you make a decision on the 12th September, yet the interview process was only completed on the 17th September? O le ā la le aogā e fai ai le tatou Board? Just to rubber stamp matters coming through from the CEO and WR?
WR letter (Peter Horne) and SRU Board Decision.
This is no different from the decision by the SRU Board alluded to by Peter Horne of WR in his letter of the 23rd August (which trigger the whole re-advertisement of the HC position) where it says
“we agree with the SRU Board decision to
1) Zane to return to his role as GM of HP
2) that a suitable replacement is sought urgently for the Head Coach Position”
For the record and to make it clear, SRU Board did not make that decision at all. I was the Board Secretary and I have all the audio recording and minutes as well as the full documentation of the meeting on the 21st August (where Zane was relieved of his Manu Samoa duties in order to focus on HPU and there was absolutely no discussion or resolution by the Board pertaining to the MS HC position)
The whole thing in my view was orchestrated by yourself so that to get rid of Fuimaono Titimaea Tafua. Have a look below at the original panel you recommended to conduct the interview.
SRU and WR Agreement
You will note that the agreement between SRU and WR dated 27th January 2018 after we met with David Carrigy and Bruce Cooke of WR at Tanoa, WR agreed that SRU will carry on with its appointment of Fuimaono based on our reasons given but the funding that was supposed to come from them to fund the HC will continue to pay towards the HPU program but under a different item.
In other words, the money was always coming from WR and they were happy for us to continue on with our appointment.
Part of that same agreement is to relieve John Schuster and Brian Lima from MS to coach Samoa A and WR will continue to fund technical support towards Fuimaono.
The idea to re advertise the post is not of SRU Board or the WR but yourself alone.
CEO Action
Your actions are really RUDE and undermines the authority of the Board and it also reflects how insignificant the board is to you.
E te manatu faatauvaa i Sui Manalu o le komiti faafoe.
My fear is that you are exposing the Hon Chairman and the Board to criticism and possible litigation due to your reckless action.
Process Compromised
Whist you are disappointed with the process being compromised, you should be reminded that it was compromised right from the outset because of your action:
1. by advising the WR that SRU Board had agreed to re-advertise the HC position, which is a lie
2. the compilation of the original panel recommended by yourself of Rev Siaosi, Su’a Peter and Zane is a joke and was never going to serve any fairness and justice to Fuimaono. Why is that?
Rev Siaosi: he was in the original panel that put Fuimaono in the 5th place, so he should never be in this panel.
Su’a Peter: never worked along with Fuimaono and never liked him. He pushed hard for a different candidate when Fuimaono was last appointed.
Zane: was involved in the recent review of the MS HC which concluded that Fuimaono has deficiencies in his elite coaching ability and he (Zane) was doing all the work for the HC.
(Please note a copy of this review was never presented to the Board.)
Zane’s brother in law was also applying YET you recommended him to be in the panel to represent SRU.
Have you ever heard of the term “conflict of interest”? Fortunately, the board reverse Zane and Su’a and replace them with the two board members.
I want to make it clear that I am not against the panel’s recommendation as I am sure they have done a thorough job.
My concern is that you are not following proper processes and by doing so undermines the Boards authority and integrity not for the first time but many times and this must be stopped. We have talked so much about accountability and transparency and fairness, but you operated in quite the opposite.
Please note that the above are just the tips of the icebergs on some of the unprofessional stuffs you are doing at SRU which shows your inability to perform your role as CEO.
Sincerely disappointed,
Namulauululu Sami Leota
Na sosoo ai ma le isi imeli a se tasi o sui o le Komiti faafoe o le Iuni Lakapi, le susuga ia Seumanu Douglas Ngau Chun, o se tasi foi o sui na iai i le panel lea sa gafa ma le faatalanoaina o le avanoa o le faiaoga o le Manu Samoa 15. (silasila ane i le imeli a Seumanu Douglas Ngau Chun)
Talofa Faleomavaega,
As a panel member of the interview for MS HC I am disappointed in the manner you handled the final stages of the recruitment and selection process.
I emailed and advised you copying Tuiloma to make sure to seek the Directors approval and blessing of our recommendation.
I was waiting for a meeting or circulation as the per usual practice. However, I am surprised yesterday afternoon when the press release was issued with regards to the appointment of MS HC. I am disappointed to note your email earlier stating that the Board approved that whatever recommendation given by the panel on the outcome of interview during our meeting on the 12 September.
Please note the Board never had a resolution to approve. The only thing we discussed is whatever the outcome of the interview the Board has to respect the decision in making its decision. We are still yet to meet and approve our recommendation as a panel.
I am disappointed our work of 18 hours wasn’t presented to the Board for consideration.
I am starting to wonder if our Board is of any relevance. We went through a major review of our constitution and elected and appointed new representatives of the Board and yet SRU didnt even acknowledge this major achievement.
Faleomavaega, ae alofa amanaia mai le tatou Komiti Faafoe ma sei tuu mai le faaaloalo e tatau ai i Afioga ma Susuga ua filifilia e avea ma sui o le Komiti Faafoe.
Disappointed Elected Board Member
O loo talia i le vaiaso lenei se tali mai a le Ofisa Sili o le Iuni Lakapi a le atunuu le Afioga ia Faleomavaega Vincent Fepulai, ona sa fesootai atu iai, ae tali mai i le imeli e faatoa toe amata i le Aso Gafua o le vaiaso lenei ona o loo ave ona aso livi mai i le galuega.